The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi entered a Buddhist monastery in his native India, at the age of ten. His interest in photography began at the age of eleven, when he received his first "point and shoot" camera as a gift. Starting in 2000, he began his ongoing photographic essays using a Canon Rebel camera. Since 2005 he has been using digital Cannon 20D, 5D and iPhone cameras (or whatever is made available to him) for his powerful secular and lay images. A monk and a scholar, his multilingual and multicultural education contribute to his photographic vision. He considers his end product the projections of his imagination, and reflections of the the world he experiences in his travels across the continents.
He finds photography, contemplative. It serves as a tool for the development of a calm, clear, and decisive mind. It is also instrumental in gaining appreciation for the profound "illusory" displays of nature.
Venerable Tenzin lectures worldwide on Buddhist philosophy, conflict resolution, and ethics-empathy initiatives. His vision is ecumenical and global.
Proceeds from the sale of Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi's photographs go to support the humanitarian activities of The Prajnopaya Foundation in the areas of health care and education. For more information on him and his work, visit http://iMonk.org
Proceeds from the sale of Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi's photographs go to support the humanitarian activities of The Prajnopaya Foundation in the areas of health care and education. For more information on him and his work, visit http://iMonk.org

VTP by Christopher Michel